

· 降靈儀式-神秘學奇談
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乩板Planchette,最早記載於1853年6月10日,由筆名「亞蘭·卡甸Allan Kardec」的唯靈論奠定者Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail在《靈魂之書The Spirits Book》書中描述乩板的操作過程,並且在《媒介之書The Book on Mediums》中描述從桌靈轉轉變成乩板的過程:

《靈魂之書The Spirits Book》第37頁:
Here are the terms in which it was given in Paris on June 10, 1853 to one of the most fervent disciples of the Doctrine, who, for many years – since 1849 – had been occupied with the evocation of spirits: “Go into the next room and get that little basket; attach a pencil to it and then place it on a sheet of paper with your fingers on the rim.” This was done and after a few moments the basket began to move and the pencil legibly wrote this sentence: “I expressly forbid you to tell anyone what I have just told you; the next time I write, I will write better.”

《媒介之書The Book on Mediums》第169頁:
The development of the spiritist movement has been unusually rapid; for although we are separated only by a few years from its primitive manifestations, so often contemptuously alluded to as "table-turning," we are already enabled to converse with spirits as easily and rapidly as men converse with each other, and by the very same means, viz., by speech and by writing. Writing has the special advantage of furnishing a permanent evidence of the action of occult power; one which we are able to preserve as we preserve letters received from correspondents in the flesh. As previously remarked, the first method employed was the use of small baskets and planchettes with a pencil attached to them; which method of correspondence we will now briefly describe.






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