
· 降靈儀式-神秘學奇談
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桌靈轉Table-turning,源自於1852~1853年現代靈魂主義從歐洲傳到美國時,一種降靈與靈體溝通的儀式開始盛行,操作方式由參與者圍坐在桌子週邊,雙手放置於桌上,並且輪流念出字母,當遇到對應字母時桌子會傾斜、轉動,並且此與靈體溝通,而後則演變成一種名為「乩板」的降靈道具,再演化成現今的「通靈板」與日本的「狐狗貍」。最早記載於唯靈論奠定者亞蘭·卡甸的《靈魂之書The Spirits Book》與《媒介之書The Book on Mediums》書中。


《靈魂之書The Spirits Book》第17頁:
Around 1850, when the phenomenon of “table-turning” was grabbing the attention of Europe and ushering in the other phenomena since known as “Spiritist”, he quickly divined the real nature of those phenomena as being evidence for the existence of an order of relationships that had until then been suspected rather than known; i.e., those that unite the visible and invisible worlds.

《媒介之書The Book on Mediums》第61頁:
Sometimes the table tilts upon one Bide, poising itself; first on one leg, and then on another, after which it gently subsides into its natural position. Sometimes it sways backwards and forwards, as though imitating the pitching and rolling of a ship. At other times-but, for this, the medium must be a powerful one the table rises entirely from the floor, and remains in the air, with nothing to rest on, rising, perhaps, to the very ceiling, so that persons can stand or walk under it, and then gently lets itself down, with a fluttering movement, like that of a sheet of paper, or falls to the floor with a crash, and, perhaps, is broken by the fall. The sudden smashing of a solid oaken or mahogany table, of a couple of hundred-weight or so, is surely sufficient proof that the parties present are not the victims of any optical illusion.


最早被明文記載的「桌靈轉」是在1853年,而根據資料顯示儀式需要數名參與者將雙手放置在一張桌上,輪流念出字母,而桌子會依照對應字母而出現傾斜、搖晃、轉動,甚至是懸空、浮空、漂浮等現象,科學家認為這是多名參與者手部的不自覺肌肉運動導致,以及也有發現一些特別用於桌靈轉的戒指,藉由機關用來製造出桌子浮空、飄移的假象,而這項活動隨著水手航行而傳遞出去,從最早的歐洲傳至美國、日本,並且衍生出許多不同的變體,以及出現更加便利於溝通的「乩板」,在日本地區就有一種名為「狐狗貍kokkuri san」的儀式,用日本特有的三角桌進行的桌靈轉儀式,而桌子晃動、敲擊桌腳發出的聲音就是「扣kok、枯ku、哩ri」而得名「狐狗貍」,並相傳儀式能夠召喚動物靈,例如狐靈。


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