
原著:安東拉維 譯者:劉日天

· 拉維揚撒旦教,撒旦聖經,撒旦聖經翻譯

1. 生命是最大的放縱,死亡則是最大的禁慾,因此,充份的享受生活,就在此時此地!
Life is the great indulgence - death, the great abstinence. Therefore, make the most of life -HERE AND NOW!

2. 沒有什麼神聖光輝的天堂,也沒有什麼炙燒罪人的地獄。此時此地就是我們折磨的日子!此時此地就是我們快樂的日子!此時此地就是我們的機會!為你選擇此日,此時,為了沒有所謂救贖者的生活!
There is no heaven of glory bright, and no hell where sinners roast. Here and now is our day of torment! Here and now is our day of joy! Here and now is our opportunity! Choose ye this day, this hour, for no redeemer liveth!

3. 告訴自己的心,''我就是我自己的救贖者''
Say unto thine own heart, "I am mine own redeemer."

4. 阻止那些他們壓迫你的方式。將那些企圖毀滅你的人陷入混亂與聲名狼籍之中。讓他們如同龍捲風之中的穀糠一樣,並在他們失敗後享受你自身的救贖。
Stop the way of them that would persecute you. Let those who devise thine undoing be hurled back to confusion and infamy. Let them be as chaff before the cyclone and after they have fallen rejoice in thine own salvation.

5. 然後你全身的骨頭都驕傲的喊道:''誰敢來對付我?難道對我的敵人來說我太強大了?難道我不是憑藉我的大腦與身體拯救了自己?''
Then all thy bones shall say pridefully, "Who is like unto me? Have I not been too strong for mine adversaries? Have I not delivered MYSELF by mine own brain and body?''