
原著:安東拉維 譯者:劉日天

· 撒旦聖經,拉維揚撒旦教,撒旦聖經翻譯

1. 有人說"相親相愛"是至高法則,但是什麼力量讓它如此?基於理性的權威統治,還有愛的福音嗎?為什麼我不該憎恨我的敵人,如果我"愛"他們,那不正把我置於他們的擺佈之下?
"Love one another" it has been said is the supreme law, but what power made it so? Upon what rational authority does the gospel of love rest? Why should I not hate mine enemies - if I "love" them does that not place me at their mercy?

2. 敵人之間彼此友好是正常的嗎?而什麼是"好"的呢?
Is it natural for enemies to do good unto each other - and WHAT IS GOOD?

3. 飽受折磨與流血的受害者能 "愛" 那些將他撕扯至肢離破碎而濺滿鮮血的尖牙利爪嗎?
Can the torn and bloody victim "love" the blood-splashed jaws that rend him limb from limb?

4. 難道我們不是出於本能的掠食者嗎?如果人類完全不再掠奪彼此,那人類還能續存嗎?
Are we not all predatory animals by instinct? If humans ceased wholly from preying upon each other, could they continue to exist?

5. 當藉由交配來延續種族時,難道"慾望與性慾"不是更加真實的詞彙用於描述"愛"嗎?所謂的"愛"不就只是阿諛奉承的聖經中描述性行為的婉轉之詞,還是說所謂的''偉大導師''以身為閹人而光榮?
Is not "lust and carnal desire" a more truthful term to describe "love" when applied to the continuance of the race? Is not the "love" of the fawning scriptures simply a euphemism for sexual activity, or was the "great teacher" a glorifier of eunuchs?

6. 去愛與友善對待那些濫用你、憎恨你的敵人,這不就如同狗被踢了還要打滾取悅一樣的卑劣哲學嗎?
Love your enemies and do good to them that hate and use you - is this not the despicable philosophy of the spaniel that rolls upon its back when kicked?

7. 全心全意的憎恨你的敵人,而如果有人打了你一邊臉頰,砸爛他的另一邊!揍他個屁滾尿流,因為自我保護是最高法則!
Hate your enemies with a whole heart, and if a man smite you on one cheek, SMASH him on the other!; smite him hip and thigh, for self - preservation is the highest law!

8. 轉出另一邊臉頰被打的人就是條懦弱的狗!
He who turns the other cheek is a cowardly dog!

9. 以拳頭還以拳頭,以嘲笑還以嘲笑,以毀滅還以毀滅,加倍奉還的反擊!以牙還牙,以眼還眼,要四倍,要百倍!讓你成為對手的恐懼,當他逃跑時才能懂得更多智慧去反覆省思。這樣你才能讓你自己在生命的路程中飽受尊重,而你的精神,你那不朽的精神,方能長存不滅,不是存在於那無法觸及的天堂,而是長存在那些你贏得尊重的人們腦海與心中。
Give blow for blow, scorn for scorn, doom for doom - with compound interest liberally added thereunto! Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, aye four - fold, a hundred-fold! Make yourself a Terror to your adversary, and when he goeth his way, he will possess much additional wisdom to ruminate over. Thus shall you make yourself respected in all the walks of life, and your spirit - your immortal spirit - shall live, not in an intangible paradise, but in the brains and sinews of those whose respect you have gained.