

· 撒旦聖經,拉維揚撒旦教,撒旦聖經翻譯

1. 看看耶穌受難像,它象徵著什麼?蒼白無能的掛在樹上。

Behold the crucifix; what does it symbolize? Pallid incompetence hanging on a tree.

2. 我質疑一切。當我站在你們那金絮其外,敗絮其中的傲慢道德教義面前時,我在上頭寫下強烈的蔑視:瞧瞧!這一切都是騙局!

I question all things. As I stand before the festering and varnished facades of your haughtiest moral dogmas, I write thereon in letters of blazing scorn: Lo and behold; all this is fraud!

3. 聚集到我身邊來,噢!反抗死亡者,而地球本身將會屬於你,去擁有並掌握!

Gather around me, Oh! ye death-defiant, and the earth itself shall be thine, to have and to hold!

4. 死亡之手被容許去消磨著生存意志太久了!

Too long the dead hand has been permitted to sterilize living thought!

5. 對與錯,善與惡,被假先知們顛倒黑白太久了!

Too long right and wrong, good and evil have been inverted by false prophets!

6. 沒有任何信條必須建立於所謂"神聖"性質的權威之上。宗教必須被質疑。沒有任何道德教條必須被視為理所當然,沒有任何被確立的衡量標準。道德規範完全沒有任何與生俱來的神聖性。像是很久以前的木雕神像,它們是由人類雙手所做的,而既然是人所創造,就能被人毀掉!

No creed must be accepted upon authority of a "divine" nature. Religions must be put to the question. No moral dogma must be taken for granted - no standard of measurement deified. There is nothing inherently sacred about moral codes. Like the wooden idols of long ago, they are the work of human hands, and what man has made, man can destroy!

7. 凡事對於任何事物都難以相信的人有著很好的理解力,因為信仰一個錯誤的原則是一切愚蠢無知的開始。

He that is slow to believe anything and everything is of great understanding, for belief in one false principle is the beginning of all unwisdom.

8. 每個新時代的首要職責便是捧高新人們來確保它的自由,引領它達到實質性的成功,撕扯掉那些總是阻礙健康發展,象徵傳統陋習的生銹枷鎖與鍊條,原先對於我們祖先象徵著生命、希望、自由的理論與思想,現在對我們來說可能象徵著毀滅、奴役與羞辱!

The chief duty of every new age is to upraise new men to determine its liberties, to lead it towards material success - to rend the rusty padlocks and chains of dead custom that always prevent healthy expansion. Theories and ideas that may have meant life and hope and freedom for our ancestors may now mean destruction, slavery, and dishonor to us!
9. 隨著環境的改變,不再有人類理想的立足點!

As environments change, no human ideal standeth sure!

10. 因此,無論何時,當一個謊言為它自身建立了王位,它就該受到毫無憐憫又無悔的攻擊,因為在一個帶來麻煩的虛偽統治下,沒有人可以繁榮興盛。

Whenever, therefore, a lie has built unto itself a throne, let it be assailed without pity and without regret, for under the domination of an inconvenient falsehood, no one can prosper.
11. 讓既定的詭辯被廢除、剷除、焚燒與毀滅,因為它們對於所有真正高貴的思想與舉動是長期的威脅!

Let established sophisms be dethroned, rooted out, burnt and destroyed, for they are a standing menace to all true nobility of thought and action!

12. 無論什麼所謂的"真理"都被證實為一個空虛的虛構故事,將它毫不留情的甩進虛空黑暗中,與那些死去的神靈、帝國、哲學,以及其他無用的廢物、殘骸一樣!

Whatever alleged "truth" is proven by results to be but an empty fiction, let it be unceremoniously flung into the outer darkness, among the dead gods, dead empires, dead philosophies, and other useless lumber and wreckage!

13. 在所有具有權威的謊言中,最危險的便是那被所有人認定為模範真理的神聖、神化、特權的謊言。它是一切通俗謬誤與妄想的根源。它是一棵有著錯縱複雜根系又難以根絕的樹。祂是社會毒瘤!

The most dangerous of all enthroned lies is the holy, the sanctified, the privileged lie the lie everyone believes to be a model truth. It is the fruitful mother of all other popular errors and delusions. It is a hydra-headed tree of unreason with a thousand roots. It is a social cancer!

14. 那種已被認知是謊言的謊言已經被根除一半,但那連聰明人都接受為事實的謊言、被用於諄諄教誨那些坐於母親膝上的小孩子的謊言,遠比蔓延的瘟疫更為可怕危險!

The lie that is known to be a lie is half eradicated, but the lie that even intelligent persons accept as fact - the lie that has been inculcated in a little child at its mother's knee - is more dangerous to contend against than a creeping pestilence!

15. 通俗的謊言儼然成為了人身自由最大的敵人。只有一個辦法可以解決它們:如同對待癌症與毒瘤,切入核心來切除它們。毀滅它們的根序與枝葉。滅絕他們,否則反之我們將被它們滅絕!

Popular lies have ever been the most potent enemies of personal liberty. There is only one way to deal with them: Cut them out, to the very core, just as cancers. Exterminate them root and branch. Annihilate them, or they will us!